
My future job?

I'm not sure what I would like to do in the future, but I know that wouldn't like work in an office, I think being locked up in an office all day is frustrating, because I for me is important to be in a comfortable place to achieve a better job. I prefer to work independently, this would allow me work in my house or when I want ( coffee shops, parks, museums, etc. ) . I think that this would help inspire me. Something I have always wanted to do is create my own stationery store, here I would sell notebooks, planners, post-its, washi-tapes, stickers, postcards, etc. designed by me. Next year I start study my specialty ( of Design ) and I want to choose Visuality and Media ( or Graphic Design ) , because this option caught my attention from or the start and in these two years, I loved it more. Also, I don't like it very much Industrial Design, and I believe Graphic Design help me a lot for what I want to do in the future . Other area interesting of work for me is Edi

Video 1

  Link of the video:   https://youtu.be/a3oUHWKxGxk This video is so creepy >~< ( It took like an hour and a half to upload :c )

My hobbies

My main and favorite hobby is listening to music, because I can do it while doing other things. I listen to music all days and many hours, when I wake up, when I'm cooking, when I'm doing homework or studying, when I'm reading books and when I'm doing other hobbies.  I like many styles of music, so I have playlists of different activities or moods. For example, if I need concentration, I listen lofi music, instrumentals or melodies of movies. If I need energy, I listen kpop or pop songs. If I want to relax, I listen alternative songs or my favorites songs of the moment. Another hobby that I do quite a bit is drawing. Before the pandemic, when I was drawing my main goal was that it was cute, but now I use this hobby to de-stress me, since with the pandemic and the classes I stress much more than normal. In general, I am drawing anything that comes to mind in the moment, regardless if it's cute or not. Now drawing is more entertaining than before. I have many hobb

The best concert

The best concert I've ever been to is from R 5 , my favorite group of that moment. 3 brothers, 1 sister and a good friend of the family that played pop-rock songs. This event was December 17 of 2015 at Teatro Cariola and I went with my best friend Heidi. This day we are so nervous, we were 15 years old and it was the first concert that we went alone. The concert was in night, but we were outside the theater hours before. Outside there were people selling things of R 5 , I bought a black fabric bracelet with pink letters, now I don't use because it broke, but I have it saved, since it brings back good memories. While R 5 presented I was very excited and happy, the theater was small, so we were near the stage. Most of the people who were there were teenagers, they all looked excited like me. In a moment to the concert fans threw balloons since second floor and this was cool and unexpected.

A country that I would like to visit: Spain!

  A country, hm … Really, I would like to visit many countries, in special Mexico and Spain. So, I'm going to talk about why I would like to go to Spain. I want to go to Spain because this country always called my attention, in special its architecture from different epochs  ( some previous of the discovery of America and that here in Latin America don't have :c  ).  Another reason is because my father has already gone to Spain, he has shown me pictures and told me about things that he experienced there, the places and the people. I think that this increased my desire to go and see everything with my own eyes. As my father already knows Spain, I would like to travel for first time with him, and knowing me, I would make a lot of plans for each day to visit museums, known places and restaurants. Another thing that I like about this country is that we speak the same language, so I would have no problems communicating. When I was a child I dreamed go to live to Spain, but no

About English

I have liked learning English in university, because in the activities I can use topics that like me. For me, making blogs was entertaining, because with them I could practice my writing in English. Also, I had to think about what I was going to write in blogs and thanks to this I discovered things about me. I think that I need expand my English vocabulary and improve listening to people speaking English, because it's hard for me to understand when people talk fast. I ’ ll try to watch more videos, movies or series in English. I don't use much English outside of English class. I use English when I read tweets or websites, in some videos ( I usually use English subtitles when I watch Korean videos ) and when I watch my favorites movies ( I like to watch them in both Spanish and English ) . A curious fact about me, I don ’ t know why, but when I ’ m veeery sleepy, my brain begins to think in other languages ( basically English with some words in other languages that

I changed...

I think I have changed a lot in my life. When I was little, I got sick easily, but now I rarely get sick. Before I was very pessimistic and sad most of the time, but now I am a very positive person and the simplest things make me happy, like listening to a song that I like or sleeping with my cat.  I think these changes are related to when I was little, I had bad "friends" ( reason why I was also very shy and quiet ) and now, my friends are very good people, making me trust them and not be so shy. As I have grown, the things I like also changed, from things like my favorite color or the style of music I like to how I see life. I think 3 years ago it was very different, 2018 was my last school year, at that time my interests were different, also the people with I related, some hobbies that I had, already I don't practice them and I have new hobbies, which at that time I never thought I would practice. Another thing that has changed is my appearance, f