About English

I have liked learning English in university, because in the activities I can use topics that like me.
For me, making blogs was entertaining, because with them I could practice my writing in English. Also, I had to think about what I was going to write in blogs and thanks to this I discovered things about me.
I think that I need expand my English vocabulary and improve listening to people speaking English, because it's hard for me to understand when people talk fast. Ill try to watch more videos, movies or series in English.
I don't use much English outside of English class. I use English when I read tweets or websites, in some videos (I usually use English subtitles when I watch Korean videos) and when I watch my favorites movies (I like to watch them in both Spanish and English).

A curious fact about me, I dont know why, but when Im veeery sleepy, my brain begins to think in other languages (basically English with some words in other languages that I know). So, when I'm tired, I think in English lol.


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