A country that I would like to visit: Spain!
A country,
hm… Really, I would like to visit many
countries, in special Mexico and Spain. So, I'm going to talk about why I would
like to go to Spain.
I want to go to Spain because this country always called my attention, in special its architecture from different epochs (some previous of the discovery of America and that here in Latin America don't have :c ). Another reason is because my father has already gone to Spain, he has shown me pictures and told me about things that he experienced there, the places and the people. I think that this increased my desire to go and see everything with my own eyes.
As my father
already knows Spain, I would like to travel for first time with him, and
knowing me, I would make a lot of plans for each day to visit museums, known
places and restaurants. Another thing that I like about this country is that we
speak the same language, so I would have no problems communicating.
When I was
a child I dreamed go to live to Spain, but now I prefer to go to holidays or study
and then, according to my experience, think about if I would like life there.
Yeah, he is
my father :P
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